Do I need a Visa to travel to Indonesia?
That depends on your Nationality. Some nationalities have a "Free Tourist Visa" meanwhile most others require a Visa to travel in Indonesia, a VisaOnArrival (VOA) is applicable. At present the VOA charge is USD 35.00 for applicants staying in the Country for 30 days.
According to world renown Ichtyologist, Indonesia possesses the world’s richest fish fauna. The Indonesian archipelago stretches in an east-west direction for approximately 5000 km (3100 miles) encompassing nearly 18,000 islands and seemingly endless array of marine habitats. Moreover, the world’s highest reef fish total (1,111 species) for a single restricted locality was recorded at Maumere Bay on the island of Flores (Allen & Kuiter unpublished).
Raja Ampat offers some of the most outstanding diving in Indonesia!
RAJA AMPAT and TRITON BAY have been continuously "in the news" in major nature and dive magazines as of late. You are probably all aware of these, but if not, four major recent articles include:
* Raja Ampat article in Scuba Diving July issue (written by Berkeley White and his colleague)
* Major spread on Triton Bay ("The last best place") in Fathoms August issue (by Burt Jones and Maurine Shimlock)
* Smaller version of same article on Triton Bay in Australasia Scuba Diver in September issue (again by Burt Jones and Maurine Shimlock)
* David Doubilet's long-awaited article on Raja Ampat and the Bird's Head ("Ultra Marine") in National Geographic - which you can view at:
We operate Raja Ampat trips all year around.
Komodo … little-Explored Reefs around the Realm of Dragon
Komodo is one of the driest regions in Indonesia. Although the rainy season is well on its torrential way in the western part of Indonesia (December – January), around Komodo the skies are usually blue and the tanning sun beats down.
Geologically, Komodo is part of Flores, separated from Sumbawa to the west by the Sape Strait. In the middle of the strait, the bottom drops to almost 300 meters. The many islands and relatively shallow seas between Flores and Komodo’s west coast mean very fast currents at tidal changes. This fast current more than 8 knots is fierce, which is a problem no matter how experienced a diver you are. Diving here is all year around.
Because of the upwellings, it can also get very, very cold. Don’t dive here with a super – thin, high – tech, pantyhose type suite. Bring a proper, thick suit (5 mm). Even a hood wouldn’t hurt.